Capabilities & Background
We have capabilities and experience in developing network architectures, scalable network systems, Fiber Optics, T1, and Ethernet networks and have experience with convergence technologies for voice, video data and satellite communications. Intrinsyx has supported NASA, FAA, Battelle and MITRE in ongoing aviation safety programs and provided technical management to implement the critical data recording capabilities across a distributed nationwide network of commercial air carriers. For the ISS project, Intrinsyx developed the entire ground data system for an Oracle based telemetry and command data storage and retrieval system, and architected and administered the networks and WAN interfaces.
Intrinsyx Technologies provides the necessary expertise and services for building and maintaining solid network and data system infrastructures. Our Systems Administration team has extensive experience in managing IT functions including desktop computing, network design, database administration and web development. Our IT staff of certified technicians and engineers bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to your specific computing environment.
Intrinsyx integrates and tests technical solutions for voice, data and video transmission. We write test reports, application notes, and installation and configuration guidelines for tested equipment. We have in-depth knowledge of ATM, SONET, TCP/IP networking standards as well as Voice and Video standards (G.7xx and H.32x). The Intrinsyx staff is familiar with Time Division Multiplexers, PBXs, Cryptographic equipment, Video Teleconferencing equipment, network test equipment and various computer operating systems.
Intrinsyx Technologies is responsible for the development of the end-to-end data systems in support of both the Space Shuttle and the Space Station Biological Research Project (SSBRP). Our expertise includes the oversight and development of the Tele-Science Support Center (ground station) infrastructure and architecture. Our support includes Development, Integration, Test, Sustaining Engineering, and Administration for the following: LAN/WAN Architecture, Scalable Network Systems, Fiber Optics, T1, Ethernet, Convergence Engineering (Voice, Video & Data), Satellite Communications, IT and Firewall Security, and Communication Systems including Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP). * Fore (Marconi> ATM