Capabilities & Background

We have capabilities and experience in development of flight, ground & trainer systems. We have experience in embedded systems include development of flight systems and ground applications using both traditional and cutting edge hardware and software technologies. We have developed mission critical applications for space flight and wireless technologies.

Some past examples of Intrinsyx developed items are as follows:

  • Flight Data Systems:
    • Developed Space Station Biological Research Project (SSBRP) End-to-End Data System Architecture
    • Developed Software fro Crew Laptops on Space Station
    • Negotiated Requirements with NASA Centers, International Partners, and Contractors
  • Ground Data Systems:
    • Responsible for Developing the NASA/Ames Research Center Telescience Support Center for Managing Command and Telemetry of ISS Payloads
    • Employed a Reusable Architecture to Support Multiple Missions
  • Trainer Systems - Astronaut Crew Training Simulators
    • Developed Crew Trainers for Simulating Flight Hardware
  • Intrinsyx Tool for Automated Software Generation for Command and Telemetry Systems for any Mission
    • Rapidly and accurately flow-down interface control requirements and changes into operational software code based on open standards.

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